Produse pentru virologie a covid 19 (17)

Sontara MicroPure - Șervețele de curățare pentru utilizare în camere curate ISO 5-9

Sontara MicroPure - Șervețele de curățare pentru utilizare în camere curate ISO 5-9

Sontara MicroPure ist ein Sortiment aus hochwertigen Reinigungstüchern zur Anwendung in Reinräumen der ISO-Klassen 5-9. Im Sortiment befinden sich Tücher zur Bodenreinigung, Allzwecktücher und Tücher für feinere Arbeiten und die Gerätepflege. Darüber hinaus bieten wir auch eine Reinigungsrolle für automatische Reinigungsanwendungen. Diese wird von uns auf Kundenwunsch maßangefertigt und ist für Reinräume ab Klasse 7 geeignet. Reinraumklassen:5-9 Material:Vliesstoff Sorten:Bodentücher, Allzwecktücher
Transformarea produsului

Transformarea produsului

Nous proposons un accompagnement complet, permettant à l’agriculteur de s’appuyer sur une équipe compétente, pour créer et rentabiliser une oliveraie.
Veille concurențială în cosmetică

Veille concurențială în cosmetică

La veille concurrentielle en cosmétique est un service stratégique qui permet aux entreprises de rester informées des dernières tendances et innovations du marché. Ce service propose une analyse approfondie des stratégies et des innovations des concurrents, fournissant aux entreprises des informations précieuses pour améliorer leur positionnement. Grâce à une surveillance continue du marché, les entreprises peuvent anticiper les mouvements de leurs concurrents et adapter leurs stratégies en conséquence. En plus de l'analyse concurrentielle, ce service offre des recommandations sur les opportunités de marché et les menaces potentielles. Les entreprises peuvent ainsi prendre des décisions stratégiques éclairées, renforçant leur compétitivité et leur capacité à innover. Ce service est essentiel pour les entreprises cherchant à maintenir un avantage concurrentiel dans l'industrie cosmétique.
Conformitate Administrativă Corporativă

Conformitate Administrativă Corporativă

Consulenza ed assistenza nell'interpretazione e nell'applicazione, nelle diverse operazioni aziendali, della normativa fiscale per un corretto utilizzo delle norme e dei connessi adempimenti pratici. Consulenza ed assistenza negli ordinari adempimenti societari annuali. Consulenza ed assistenza nella formazione di bilanci in genere - ordinari di impresa, consolidati e intermedi - di note integrative e di relazioni sulla gestione. Consulenza nella predisposizione dei documenti di bilancio orientata al rispetto della normativa fiscale in vigore e della miglior prassi italiana ed estera in materia. Due diligence contabile. Partner di riferimento Simonetta Bissoli
Echipamente Covid 19

Echipamente Covid 19

Covid 19 Equipments We are meeting product requirement of our customers in the world and in Turkey through our quality standards thanks to our advanced supply network. Together with the global virus pandemic, necessary Covid-19 equipments takes their place in our wide range of products for protection and detection stages. Thermometer You can keep your customers and personnel in a safe place with contactless body temperature thermometer technology which is suitable for personal and corporational usage. It is possible to make a fast temperature measurement without any special training requirement by it’s easy usage. You can measure from a distance about 10 cm easily within seconds. Gloves You may order various glove models with different sizes including powderless and powdered. Take precautions against microorganisms contagious with contact. Protect both your customers and personnel. Our range also includes masks, protective equipment, disinfectants and Covid-19 Test Kits.
Screening cervical privat

Screening cervical privat

Bodyvie offers private smear tests to monitor your health and detect abnormal cells which could lead to cervical cancer. By having routine and regular smear tests, you can keep an eye on any changes or abnormalities to proactively treat these cells before they become dangerous. At the moment, the NHS advises patients to take smear tests every 3-5 years. At Bodyvie, you are welcome to book an appointment for a cervical smear whenever you would like to ensure a sense of security.
Cameră frigorifică pentru stocarea vaccinurilor

Cameră frigorifică pentru stocarea vaccinurilor

The start of the production of vaccines developed against Covid19 has increased the needs in both logistics and storage. Unlike other vaccines, some of Covid19 vaccines must be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius. As standard vaccines are stored at 2 to 8 degrees celcius, existing storage areas are not suitable for some of the Covid19 vaccines. As Erdemler Cooling, we have developed solutions to eliminate the cold chain and storage problems in order to reach all Covid19 vaccines developed in the World to the end user in a healthy way. These developments include mobile container type vaccine cold storage and fixed logistic vaccine storages. We offer turnkey solutions for all institutions such as healthcare institutions, hospitals, laboratories, logistics warehouses, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutions that need these special cold storages. You can contact us for details.
Halate Chirurgicale și Containere

Halate Chirurgicale și Containere

Disposable surgical gowns and caps are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of sterile environments. Their liquid-proof and bacterial barrier properties provide the highest level of protection.
Examinări Medicale pentru Viză

Examinări Medicale pentru Viză

Visa Medicals are required for many countries. With over 15 years’ experience in providing visa medicals for patients, we have developed a convenient and efficient service. Our doctors are all well-recognised and respected by the relevant embassies.
Apex PP Spunbond Nețesute

Apex PP Spunbond Nețesute

Apex Nonwoven hat sich in sehr kurzer Zeit, durch die kontinuierliche Optimierung von Qualität und Service, weltweit zu einem Symbol von Qualität und Vertrauen. Auf dem globalen PP Spinnvlies Markt, etabliert. Unser kontinuierlicher und nachhaltiger, betrieblicher Wachstum geschieht natürlich auch dank unseren wertvollen und hoch motivierten Mitarbeitern. Unsere Produkte sind nach OEKO-TEX 100 zertifziert. Die durch uns hergestelten PP Spinnvliesstoffe, befinden sich mittlerweile, in fast allen unseren alltäglichen Lebensräumen. Aus diesem Grund ist Apex ein Produzent der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, bedarfsgerechte, kundenorientierte Neuerungen herzustellen.
Asistență medicală

Asistență medicală

Unser hochspezialisiertes Healthcare-Team offeriert Ihnen ein Full-Service Angebot, das die individuellen Bedürfnisse berücksichtigt und bestmöglich erfüllt.
Optimizarea Proceselor

Optimizarea Proceselor

Process optimization - how to get started? Any company that wants to maintain improved processes in the long run must first consider a vision, direction or goal (1). The most effective way to successfully motivate employees is clear communication of vision, direction and goals. Process optimization requires a change in the current way of working, so it is very important for employees to identify with the vision, direction and goals of the company. Once the direction is confirmed and agreed, the current situation needs to be effectively analyzed to optimize the process (2). Understanding the current situation without subjective ballast is the key to effective process optimization. Employees directly involved in the process participate in the analysis of the current situation and systematically present the current situation using lean methods.
Gestionarea vizitelor medicale externe

Gestionarea vizitelor medicale externe

Et pourquoi pas vous ? Sachez que de plus en plus d'entreprise sautent le pas - Vous avez en tant qu’employeur de nombreuses obligations vis-à-vis de vos salariés, parmi lesquelles une obligation, veiller entre autre, à la sécurité et à la santé de vos salariés sur leur lieu de travail. Le respect de cette obligation passe notamment par l’organisation de visites médicales. Celles-ci visent à confirmer l’aptitude de vos salariés à occuper les postes pour lesquels ils ont été embauchés. Leur défaut d’organisation constitue un manquement à vos obligations d’employeur qui pourrait suffire à justifier, à vos torts, la rupture d’un contrat de travail.
Ginecologie Estetică - Proceduri și Intervenții în Ginecologia Estetică

Ginecologie Estetică - Proceduri și Intervenții în Ginecologia Estetică

Ginekologia estetyczna to dziedzina medycyny, która stale się rozwija, dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych rozwiązań w oparciu o najnowsze badania medyczne. Pewne jest, że w najbliższym czasie będzie się dynamicznie rozwijać proponując kobietom jeszcze lepsze efekty korekcji miejsc intymnych przy wykorzystaniu nowych metod i zabiegów. Klinika ginekologii estetycznej Horizon Medical Center wychodząc naprzeciw najnowszym trendom, a przede wszystkim potrzebom każdej kobiety zaprasza do zapoznania się z ofertą wykonywanych zabiegów z zakresu ginekologii estetycznej. Ginekologia estetyczna polecana jest dla wszystkich kobiet szczególnie dla kobiet, które urodziły dziecko, po porodzie. Na skutek ciąży jak i porodu – wiotkość oraz elastyczność szyjki macicy znacząco spada, powodując dyskomfort jak również brak odczuć podczas stosunku intymnego. Dzięki ginekologii estetycznej można znacząco zregenerować szyjkę macicy po ciąży.
Fișier email medicină a muncii - Medicină a muncii

Fișier email medicină a muncii - Medicină a muncii

Base de données emails médecine du travail France Liste emails et adresses des centres de santé du travail, France entière et DOM TOM, réservée aux entreprises pour campagnes de prospection BtoB par routage postal, emailing, téléphonie - 1642 Adresses et 1314 Emails Base de données adresses mails de la santé au travail pour mailing emailing Vente annuaire pro Médecine du travail (Santé Profession Médicale) pour mener des campagnes de prospection et de fidélisation avec succès. Nombre : 1314 EMAILS 1642 Noms, adresses postales et téléphone fixe 898 N° de fax 999 Codes NAF - N° SIRET - N° RCS - Effectif Fichier médecine du travail France pour prospection BtoB Le fichier est mis à jour tous les mois, garanti sans doublon et conçu par le croisement des sources officielles, Ordre des médecins et journaux médicaux spécialisés, légaux. Nous vous proposons tous les fichiers de prospection de vos futurs clients en téléchargement direct.
Asigurare de răspundere pentru produse destinate dispozitivelor medicale și sănătății digitale

Asigurare de răspundere pentru produse destinate dispozitivelor medicale și sănătății digitale

rweiterte, Verschärfte und Konventionelle Produkthaftpflicht-Versicherung für Entwickler, Hersteller, Händler, Importeure und Dienstleister im Bereich der Medizintechnik und für Medizinprodukte
Traduceri medicale - Traducere medicala

Traduceri medicale - Traducere medicala

Traducerile medicale şi farmaceutice sunt esenţiale pentru o gamă variată de documente abordând domenii din cele mai diverse, de la anesteziologie până la stomatologie, de la medicină veterinară până la farmacologie. Orice medic are nevoie de fişele şi istoricul pacienţilor, rapoarte clinice, manuale de instrucţiuni, broşuri şi manuale medicale, fişe de ieşire din spital, specificaţii ale produselor pe care doriți să le introduceţi pe piaţă şi multe alte documente care utilizează terminologia medicală şi farmaceutică. Sună acum pentru o traducere medicală impecabilă. 0722223010/